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There Are Sex Differences in Sweating, But Treatments Are the Same

Whatever your gender, you’ve got approximately 2-4 million sweat glands and it’s normal and necessary to sweat. If, however, you sweat excessively and uncontrollably, beyond what’s needed or expected in reaction to ambient temperature, a workout, or stress, you might have hyperhidrosis.

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Pandemic Sweat and Body Odor

Has your personal hygiene regimen changed since the COVID-19 pandemic began? Have you noticed BO changes, too? If so, you are not alone. Because many of us are not going out much (either to work, school or social occasions), we are also relaxing our grooming standards, showering less and forgetting antiperspirant application. Even our choice […]

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“Letter of Medical Necessity” Can Make Big Certain Dri Savings Possible Do you rely on a Certain Dri antiperspirant to help you with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis?  Have you set aside funds, pre-tax, in a flexible spending (FSA) or health savings account to help you save money on out-of-pocket medical expenses with tax-free dollars? Usually, […]

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If you think you sweat too much, you likely have really valid reasons. And, no, being concerned about abnormal sweating does not make you weird, superficial or a hypochondriac. In fact, one expert on excessive sweating told WebMD that â€śPretty much anyone who comes to me complaining of excess sweating has it.”  So, if you’re sure […]

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